Public Fund
«United Charity Projects Evolution»
But you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Matt. 6:1-4
Public Fund
«United Charity Projects Evolution»
But you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Matt. 6:1-4
About us
Public Fund «United Charity Projects Evolution» is a non commercial organization.
The fund began its activity in 2014.
We diagnose eye diseases at early stages, we help blind children in socialization and we are giving treatment and hospitalization to visually impaired children.
We support medical institutions, helping to improve the skills and support training for doctors, buying the up-to-date equipments, creating conditions for effective treatment of children.
We are also involved in other charitable projects.
Our projects
Since 2016, we have been helping children in Kazakhstan to prevent vision loss. Directions of our activity:
-Help schools for visually impaired children;
-Conducting free on-site preventive screenings in Orphanages, preschool and school institutions Project
-Carrying out a complete FREE ophthalmologic diagnosis and referral
for treatment;
-PROVIDING Help for ophthalmological centers
Reliable. Relevant. Interesting.
Available and in detail about the history, little-known facts and legends of Kazakhstan, eyewitnesses and heroes of our time, stories about travels to historical places to cultural monuments.

We improve the educational process using a systematic approach to learning
We systematically control the quality of knowledge.
Purchase of equipments, manuals, books and software for correctional schools and kindergardens
The Kazakhstan Golden Ring project brings together the most valuable historical, architectural, saint points of interest, to bring it in accessible and most comfortable and convenient way.
Within the project, we are purchasing and supplying equipment to medical institutions.
A modern ophthalmological center for the treatment of vision pathology based on the latest achievements in science and practice
Identification, support and encouragement of journalists for a multi-vector dialogue between the media and society.
Organizer: Public Foundation UCP Evolution
Our mission: to do good every day with love, showing humanity and mercy
Our values:

Mercy and Humanism
Willingness to sympathize and help. Free and responsible participation in society.
Professionalism and competence
Our specialists have
necessary knowledge and experience. Those who love their work. This allows us to effectively solve any tasks and achieve the best results.
Honesty, transparency, trust and respect
the main thing in relationships with partners, employees and recipients of assistance are the foundation of the fund.
If you want to become our partner and help in good deeds, please contact us.
Leadership team
  • Georgy Sosnovskiy
  • Viktoriya Vassenkina
    Vise President
Payment details
Public Fund «United Charity Projects Evolution»
BIN: 141240017884
Account #: KZ42601A861003079961 (USD)
In Subsidiary JSC Halyk Bank Kazakhstan
SWIFT code: SABRKZKA, Beneficiary Code: 18
Address: bldg. 122A, Kabanbai batyr Street,
Almaty city, 050000,
Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: +7 777 507 33 33
Ashymbaeva 26 Street, 4th floor, Almaty,
Medeu district, 050002, Republic of Kazakhstan